This document describes how to setup a realistic environment for doing live migration of qemu virtualmachines (vm's) which are using the qxl (spice) vga device and have a spice client connected.
The described setup does this all without using RHEV-VM, this is mostly meant for people doing spice development who want to test live migration without using RHEV-VM.
For a realistic setup you will need at least 4 machines:
These machines need to be connected to each other using a network with good performance at a minimum a 100Mbit switched network, if you want to go fancy you can create a separate storage LAN and normal network LAN.
The 2 hypervisors need to be 64 bit machines with hardware virtualisation capable cpu's. Preferably they both should have AMD or both Intel cpu's. If one of them has an AMD cpu and one an Intel cpu you can only use recent qemu-kvm versions.
Besides installing spice server and qemu noth hypervisors require some more special preperations. They need to connect to the iscsi targets on the storage server and there network settings need to be configured so that qemu can run in bridged mode, which is necessary to keep the vm's network connection working after migrating it to a different machine.